Injection Packages

Injection Packages

Within the industry, the requirements for Injection Packages are very diverse depending on the application and location, the number of chemicals and injection points and changes to production conditions and output. The Injection Package serves the purpose of injecting a precise and accurate amount of any chemicals into a stream either continuously or intermittently.

The design and operation of the injection facilities are an inherent part of the
process management system and underpin the process safety. The selected chemicals and injection dose rates, procedures, operator training and monitoring and inspection data should be analyzed and the results fed back to optimize the chemical injection process. This is how PetroVM can assist clients from various sectors of industry achieve the most optimized, well-performing and safe-operating injection systems.

With decades of experience in diverse filed on the industry, PetroVM could perform basic study, detail engineering, procurement, manufacturing, test, inspection, and delivery of full skid-mounted injection packages according to client’s requirements and specifications.